This four-day course consists of 8 hours didactic, 12 hours laboratory (manikins) and 12 hours clinical (live patients) for a total of 32 hours.
Candidates will be required to successfully pass a written test, submit a full mouth x-ray series from three different patients (Homework) and successfully take a full mouth series of dental x-rays while being graded on a fourth patient (Clinical Exam).
1. Personal Protective Equipment (Masks, Gowns, Goggles, Latex-Free Gloves, Etc.)
2. 21 pieces of DF-58 Single Film (For Manikin Exercises)
3. 42-84 pieces of DF-57 Double Film (For Clinical Patients)
4. RINN XCP X-Ray Film Holders (Anterior, Posterior and Bitewing)
5. About 4-8 FMX Film Mounts (Preferably clear plastic 18-Pockets)
If for any reason you have difficulty trying to secure the supplies and equipment needed please try to make arrangements with the school
Patient Selection Criteria:
-Patients must be 18 years or older.
-Patients must complete a health history form.
-The supervising dentist must examine patients before radiographs are taken.
-Patients must agree to and sign the Patient Consent Form for Radiographs by a Student.
-Patients must have three or more teeth in each quadrant, to be an eligible candidate for a full mouth series of x-rays.
-Patients are only allowed one full mouth series of x-rays, including retakes if necessary.
-Patients are not be eligible for radiographs if they have mental or physical conditions that would be prevent them from sitting for more than 1 hour.
-Patients are expected to be punctual and understanding with students, recognizing that they are learning and being graded in the process.
If you are interested in taking this course, please download and fill up the form below and email or fax it to us.